Thursday, February 17, 2011

Propaganda!! in the USA!!! Today!!!

information, ideas, or rumors deliberately spread widely to help or harm a person, group, movement, institution, nation, etc.

            So I did some research and I've decided to look at the propaganda aimed at recruiting people to the army. One thing's for sure; you don't see THESE: anymore. Rather, what's done today is very subtle in contrast to the poster. Nowadays, it's all about showing/giving some small info that'll grave one's attention, say a Go Army commercial, and the commercial says if they want to know more, go online and check it out.
            Commercials, that's it? This would lead me to think that today's propaganda that's meant to recruit people is very weak. That was until I did my research. THE US ARMY IS EVERYWHERE!!! not really lol but they definitely are putting a lot of money, time, and effort with their propaganda. These are my discoveries:
·       The US Army has their own video game designed to give users a small "virtual experience" ? of how it is to be in the army. This is definitely propaganda, and look how much effort's been put in it...for the past 9 YEARS!

 US army spends $32.8 million on propaganda videogame
·         The other more eye opening propaganda the US Army used was the "Army Experience". It's in a mall in Philadelphia first of all and one thing's for sure; it's every COD "no life's" heaven! It is a very high tech life simulating experience of really getting as close to real war without the danger.

Just look at this!:
The Humvee is stationary and the screens in front of them move. they also have simulations similar to this but in a helicopter rather than the Humvee.

If this isn't Propaganda today, then I don't know WHAT is!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Beat Streat!

Beat Street is just an awesome movie. It's a great movie about modern art; Graffiti, dance/break dancing, rapping, & DJing/mixing. It’s truly awesome. At the heart of the movie, is a group of friends who do all of the previously stated arts. I like how a lot of the movie is straight dancing & break dancing. Back then, all they did had heart. Ramo & Kenny did what they do with passion. Ramo told both Kenny & his father straight forward; he's not just tagging trains, walls, etc he tells them he's making art, beautiful art for the entire city to see. Kenny, being an amazing DJ, does what he does simply because he likes it. He hears thing he likes and puts them together for others to enjoy.

         Beat Street is just a fun movie! From the start, we got people dancing as it jumps from scene to scene. Another reason the movie is great, IT TAKES PLACE IN THE 80's!!! Today everybody try to emulate the style in the 80's one way or another. The music is definitely just as awesome today as it was then. Everybody just loves 80's music; something about it makes everybody want to dance! And when you combine that music with old school rapping, which is just awesome, you got yourself a recipe for awesomeness; not to mention you got the awesome dance moves.

         I also really like that throughout the movie, there's a general positive, fun, energetic vibe. Of course there was that sad point when Ramo died, but right after, Kenny brings everyone's spirits up by making a mix that is all about remembering Ramo, he made it so we weren't mourning for Ramo, we all appreciated him, and appreciated his work which is what Ramo would have wanted.

Kenny & Ramo, these guys were what made the movie awesome for me

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Hungry For Attention

Is Richard alone in his cravings for attention?

Why no, no he is not.

As long long as I'm here living and breathing, he is not alone for i too crave/need attention. I don't need it to survive but when i don't have it i wish i did. I find no problem with the fact i crave attention. if it's something that makes me happy, pleases me why can't i crave it? when people start to try to steal the limelight from other people or when THEY try to make themselves the center of attention ALL the time; that, i believe, is when people need to learn to control themselves or someone needs to set that person straight. Note the emphasis i put on "they". i made this apparent because there are people who need attention but may not even know it. how do they not know they attention you may ask, its because OTHER people make them (the ones unaware that they need attention) the center of attention ALL the time. These people are given attention all the time without them even trying, so it never occurs to them they NEED it if it has always been there. These people, i believe, are the ones in most need of attention because of the fact they are not even aware they need it. As for the ones who look for attention, there might be some deeper meaning why they always need attention; nonetheless these people may appear annoying to people. However, there are those who make themselves the center of attention all the time but they just have a talent for making others to give them attention.

Ultimately, everyone needs attention, some more than others; i myself cant go too long without attention, we need it to make ourselves feel relevant ?  or something along those lines