Monday, March 28, 2011

Life On the Reservation

Poor Indians, the entire land that is now the United States once was full of nature and home to Indians. Now we have taken their land and have set aside a minute amount of land for them. How minute? Indian Reservations only make up about 2.3% of the area of the United States. These reservations were created for the purpose of avoiding clashes between whites and Indian over land. Whites wanted Indians out of their way and out of their lives, so they forced the Indians to live on the Reservations. On the reservations, Indians were allowed to do as they pleased as long as they remained peaceful. However, when reservations were first being introduced, everything they did for the most part was predetermined by the Federal Government. They had to farm all day and do a very lot of laboring.

Over time, whites wanted the land that was reserved for Indians. As a result, Indian reservations were pushed to remote areas, land that was not wanted by whites. The remote land that they were put on was a lot of the times very poor. The land would be very dry, hot, infertile and just really crappy. We fast forward 100 years and because of these conditions, Indian Casinos have popped up everywhere since this is their only way to make profit of the land. So it’s a really fu. I mean, it’s a really messed up situation for the Indians. It’s really sad story that ends with Indians getting screwed :\