Thursday, December 16, 2010

Nick & Gatsby

Nick Carraway, Jay Gatsby, these 2 have a very peculiar realtionship. Why did Gatsby befirend Nick? When  they met at the party, Gatsby was as nice as one could be to a stranger and from that point on, Gatsby has nothing but friendly intentions, so it seems. For later we learn that Gatsby wants Nick to arrange for him to have tea with Daisy so Gatsgy can "coincidently" meet Nick and finally see Daisy for the first time in 5 years.
This is very interesting for it opens a world of possibilities, well, one really. This entire time, has Gatsby been befriending Nick just to get to Daisy? It appears that way. However I think Gatsby's motives are pure, somewhat. He really, really likes Daisy. So he uses Nick to get what he wants. but i see it more as killing 2 birds with one stone. While he plays it his plan to rekindle what he had with Daisy, he gains a soon to be (if not already) great friendship with Nick. But, since the motives to initiate this friendship were to gain access to Daisy, does make for an interesting future. Let us see how this plays out.

Winter Night

It was 3 in the morning, on a cold Winter Night
As I trudged through the Snow.
In my journey, houses decorated with Lights
Created an endless Glow.
That Night something happened that never did before;
I Heard God.
He Spoke to me,
Through Silence.
For when I got home, as I reached for the door,
I paused.. & turned around.
At that moment, there appeared so much Luster;
It was coming from the Snow.
With each passing second, Snow turned whiter & Brighter.
Joined with the lights, this made a huge Glow.
All sound disappeared, taken by fire
Created by the Lights & the Snow.
All that was left was a Pure Winter Night
Joined by a frosty breeze.
As I watched this unfold, I tried with all my might
To not let myself freeze.
Not just physically, but mentally from fear
Of the divine powers, that i felt were soon to appear.

And I was right.
For in the absence of sound, created by Winter, I could finally hear