Monday, January 24, 2011

On Being a Mexican American

i find this artical very interesting.

it is about a boy born in the united states, who grew up "Mexican" was raised "Mexican" and all that stuff. He talks about his progression from being Mexican, to ultimately completely leaving his culture. He speaks of how he one day saw the segragation and from that point on, he began to merge into the american culture, "anglocized" as he put it. As he progressed further into his life, he became more and more emerged in american culture and further and further away from his Mexican heritage to the point where he no longer thought he was Mexican, or he forgot it.

then one day he was reminded of who he was; where he came from; his past

at this reminder, he realized something. he realizzed that no matter what you do, you can not erase your past; you cant erase where you came from, your roots. it's another example of what your background is generally defines what peole think you are. (like the hawthorne stuff/crucible/7 gables)

so he said that mexican americans are in a unique situation. they are all in the same catergory at some at one point, but later on they need to decide what path they're going to chose and then stay on that path and leave behind everything else.

however, he still says we can never integrate, because your background will always be there.

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