Sunday, May 15, 2011

tell tale heart analysis

If there wasn’t a 250 word minimum for this blog, my analysis of the Tell Tale Heart would simply be this:

A guy cracked from being paranoid.

But there IS a 250 word minimum so here we go:

The Tale Tell heart is a gothic short story by Edgar Allen Poe. It’s about a guy who has essentially committed the perfect murder. However, the guy is a bit mentally unstable, crazy. I’d like to say, I’ve read & heard many people discuss/say that because he’s insane, they don’t think he actually was able to commit the murder; that he made up the entire story. For the most part, I agree with this. With the story being 1st person, narrated by the murder himself, everything he tells us can’t be believed to be the truth. Because the story is being told by a crazy person, it opens up MANY possibilities. He could be telling us this story that he came up with, from his room in an insane asylum. He could be telling us the story from his prison cell for actually committing the crime. Or he could be a random crazy homeless person telling us this story. Because nothing the narrator says can truly be believed since he’s crazy, everything he says is a variable, leading to many interpretations. The one I find most “believable” is that this insane man killed someone & can’t handle it. His insanity drives him up the wall & the guilt is too much for his messed up brain to handle. He became guilty of killing the man & paranoid of getting caught. With the police there, both these emotions took their toll on his already fragile corrupt brain & caused him to erupt & confess to the crime.

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