Sunday, May 15, 2011

tell tale heart analysis

If there wasn’t a 250 word minimum for this blog, my analysis of the Tell Tale Heart would simply be this:

A guy cracked from being paranoid.

But there IS a 250 word minimum so here we go:

The Tale Tell heart is a gothic short story by Edgar Allen Poe. It’s about a guy who has essentially committed the perfect murder. However, the guy is a bit mentally unstable, crazy. I’d like to say, I’ve read & heard many people discuss/say that because he’s insane, they don’t think he actually was able to commit the murder; that he made up the entire story. For the most part, I agree with this. With the story being 1st person, narrated by the murder himself, everything he tells us can’t be believed to be the truth. Because the story is being told by a crazy person, it opens up MANY possibilities. He could be telling us this story that he came up with, from his room in an insane asylum. He could be telling us the story from his prison cell for actually committing the crime. Or he could be a random crazy homeless person telling us this story. Because nothing the narrator says can truly be believed since he’s crazy, everything he says is a variable, leading to many interpretations. The one I find most “believable” is that this insane man killed someone & can’t handle it. His insanity drives him up the wall & the guilt is too much for his messed up brain to handle. He became guilty of killing the man & paranoid of getting caught. With the police there, both these emotions took their toll on his already fragile corrupt brain & caused him to erupt & confess to the crime.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

2006 NFC Championship: Postgame Celebration

            The clock is winding down for the New Orleans Saints. As the final seconds are ticking away, everybody is cheering, clapping, giving high fives and absolutely ecstatic that the Bears are headed to the Super Bowl. “3…2…1…FINAL” The entire room goes ballistic! Me & my cousins Leo, Kiki, Ione & siblings Justin & Jezzeca are jumping up & down celebrating the victory. As we celebrated in our little huddle, the rest of my family were enjoying themselves too. My dad played the Bears fight song & began passing out victory cigars to my uncles. It was absolutely hilarious to see my Uncles Venom, Viking, PepĂ©, & my dad swaying back & forth, with their cigars in their mouths while singing “Bear Dowwwwn, Chicago Bearrrs…” In the corner, I could see all my younger cousins laughing & jumping around since that’s what everyone else was doing; that made me laugh. Perhaps the funniest thing that occurred was amidst all the commotion, my brother managed to sneak away & steal the remaining slices of pizza! This turned out to be for the best for I was able to steal a few slices from him myself! As the celebration was subsiding, one of my older cousins, Orlando, shouted “Who’s ready for some football in the snow?!” while raising a football in one hand. We all rushed for our coats & hurried outside. As I opened the door, I was greeted with a rush of cool January night air. All I could think about was how awesome this night was about to get. As my dad was getting the teams situated, my two oldest cousins (they’re brothers) were having a friendly wrestling match in the knee-deep snow. The entire time they had the biggest smiles on their face, arms on each other’s shoulders but because of all the snow, they kept falling & slipping & there was no clear victor. When they’re “brawl” finally ended, all my aunts & uncles had come outside to watch us play. My dad was official quarterback for both teams. It was 8 on 8, first one to score 3 would be the winner…and it was tackle football! To start the game, my dad threw the ball to simulate the kick return. Ione, whom was to the left of me, caught it. I ran with her to provide protection. I had to fight to stay up for the crunching snow beneath me would give way with each step I took. My cousin was taken down & the ball got loose! Next thing I knew, I was face down in the snow with at least 3 people on top of me. I was not able to recover the ball. My aunts & uncles were cheering as Orlando picked up the ball & scored. We scored quickly on our next possession & it was tied 1-1. My dad threw a perfect bomb over the heads of the other team to me. I was running with my brother but he disappeared in the snow; he took down my older cousin to making a key block allowing me to score. We each failed to score on our next possessions & then we each scored on the possession after that. So it was now 2-2, they’re ball. On 4th down, my dad once more executed one of his perfectly placed bombs. But the receiver dropped it!! I knew I could count on Leo to have butter fingers! So with the endzone a mere 3 yards away, we scored easily with a short pass to my sister. By game’s end, EVERYONE was covered with a thin layer of white on their bodies from all the fumbling in the snow. We all shook hands & showed good sportsmanship saying “good game” & giving “man hugs” (man hugs being the best way I can describe what athletes do). But that wasn’t the end. We came up with a mini game. With me being the strongest of my cousins/siblings my age, I was given the challenge of making it to the front of the house with the football, from the garage way, a good 50yards. The idea came from my dad who said to think of it as the punt/kick returns Devin Hester of the Bears would return for Touchdowns! It was me versus Kiki, Ione, Justin & Leo (Jezzeca decided to take advantage of the hot chocolate inside which we weren’t aware of). My dad shouted “Go!” and I was off! After about 25 yards, I was met by them. I easily broke away from Kiki & Ione. They tried to tackle me by getting low; as they neared me I just pushed them into the ground! Leo was the easiest. I didn’t have to do anything! He’s known to be clumsy which he proved. When I got to about the 35yd mark, where he & my brother waited for me, he started to run after me. As he ran he lost his footing & the wheels just fell off as he crashed into the snow leaving a puff of whiteness after he fell. My brother got to me at the 40 & was holding his grown. I slowly would gain grown, for he could not bring me to the ground. Then my cousins finally caught up and helped him! Together, they all brought me down a few feet shy of the end. We all laid there in the snow laughing & tired. That was happiest I ever was after being defeated. We all then trotted inside, leaving wet footprints with each step. We then joined my sister & the 6 of us drank the night away with hot chocolate. As Leo finished his, he laid back and said aloud, “Man, the Bears need to win more NFC Championships so we can do this.” We all laughed & agreed. That night we all slept with the thoughts of Super Champions on our mind.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Boulevard of Broken Dreams - Green Day

Boulevard of Broken Dreams - Green Day

I walk a lonely road
The only one that I have ever known
Don't know where it goes
But it's home to me and I walk alone

Physical: The majority of the lyrics are pretty straightfoward. The speaker is by himself, alone, walking down a road. He has no idea where this road is taking him, but it's his home and he's walking it by himself
Intellectual: From the 2nd & 3rd lines, I believe the speaker is talking about the road of life. We all walk a road, one road we've ever known because we only live one life, and I'm pretty confident no one knows where their road is headed where the road represents going through life. So the speaker is talking about how he is walking through life alone.

I walk this empty street
On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams
Where the city sleeps
And I'm the only one and I walk alone

Physical: The lyrics here are similar to the first four line except we are now introduced to the Boulevard of Broken Dreams. So the road he's walking on is specificaly the Boulevard of Broken Dreams. Its a place where the city sleeps and the speaker is the only one walking.
Intellectual: With the speaker stating he's walking on the Boulevard of Broken Dreams, the speaker is refering to a specific street, one of the many streets one walks through on the road of life. And the road the speaker is currently walking on is the Boulevard of Broken Dreams. A place that where no one will interefer with you as represented by "the city sleeps". The Boulevard of Broken Dreams represents a specific road the speaker is walking on on the road of life, and on this specific road, nothing can interfere with you. The speaker is currently at liberty to do decide whatever he wants.

I walk alone
I walk alone

I walk alone
I walk a...

Physical: Pretty straightfoward; The speaker is walking alone
Intellectual: On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams, the speaker is in true solitude. Being in true solitude allows the speaker to organize things, see things without outside intereference, decide things for himself, truly discover who he is and what he wants.

My shadow's the only one that walks beside me
My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating
Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me
'Til then I walk alone

Physical: Here we have a more in depth description of how the speaker is alone and wishes to be found. On the road it's just him, his shadow, and shallow heart.
Intellectual: the interesting things are the shallow heart & the speaker sometimes wishing he'll be found. The Boulevard of Broken Dreams isn't a pleasent place. It's a point in the speakers life where he's been forced to reconsider things and what he decides from reconsidering may lead to some "broken dreams." He may decide to discontinue certain things. He must decide this stuff by himself. It's hard to do things by yourself, sohe wishes someone could find him, find that he's going through this time in his life where decidions need to be made. But until then he must do this on his own.

Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Aaah-ah,
Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah

Physical: the speaker is um, chanting?
Intellectual: The tone in which the speaker sings this "chant" suggests frustration; frustration form being on this road of Boulevard of Broken Dreams.

I'm walking down the line
That divides me somewhere in my mind
On the border line
Of the edge and where I walk alone

Physical: The speaker is talking once more about the  road he's on. The road divides his thoughts. He walks on this division, this border.
Intellectual: More reference to the Boulevard of Broken Dreams being a peculiar place; A place where the speaker is is confused, unsure of himself "divided"

Read between the lines
What's fucked up when everything's alright
Check my vital signs
To know I'm still alive and I walk alone

Physical: The speaker is walking alone, has been alone for so long, he needs to check his vital signs to make sure he's still alive.
Intellectual: Here the speaker is saying he needs to look deeper into his situation in order to see what's right & what's wrong. He's been alone on this road for so long, he needs to double check that he's still alive.

I walk alone
I walk alone

I walk alone
I walk a...

Physical: Pretty straightfoward again; The speaker is walking alone
Intellectual: On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams, the speaker is in true solitude. Being in true solitude allows the speaker to organize things, see things without outside intereference, decide things for himself, truly discover who he is and what he wants. (same as last)

My shadow's the only one that walks beside me
My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating
Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me
'Til then I walk alone

Physical: Here we have a more in depth description of how the speaker is alone and wishes to be found. On the road it's just him, his shadow, and shallow heart.
Intellectual: the interesting things are the shallow heart & the speaker sometimes wishing he'll be found. The Boulevard of Broken Dreams isn't a pleasent place. It's a point in the speakers life where he's been forced to reconsider things and what he decides from reconsidering may lead to some "broken dreams." He may decide to discontinue certain things. He must decide this stuff by himself. It's hard to do things by yourself, sohe wishes someone could find him, find that he's going through this time in his life where decidions need to be made. But until then he must do this on his own.

Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Aaah-ah,
Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah

Physical: the speaker is um, chanting?
Intellectual: The tone in which the speaker sings this "chant" suggests frustration; frustration form being on this road of Boulevard of Broken Dreams.

I walk alone
I walk a...

Physical: Pretty straightfoward again; The speaker is walking alone
Intellectual: On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams, the speaker is in true solitude. Being in true solitude allows the speaker to organize things, see things without outside intereference, decide things for himself, truly discover who he is and what he wants. (same as last)

I walk this empty street
On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams
Where the city sleeps
And I'm the only one and I walk a...

Physical: The lyrics here are similar to the first four line except we are now introduced to the Boulevard of Broken Dreams. So the road he's walking on is specificaly the Boulevard of Broken Dreams. Its a place where the city sleeps and the speaker is the only one walking.
Intellectual: With the speaker stating he's walking on the Boulevard of Broken Dreams, the speaker is refering to a specific street, one of the many streets one walks through on the road of life. And the road the speaker is currently walking on is the Boulevard of Broken Dreams. A place that where no one will interefer with you as represented by "the city sleeps". The Boulevard of Broken Dreams represents a specific road the speaker is walking on on the road of life, and on this specific road, nothing can interfere with you. The speaker is currently at liberty to do decide whatever he wants.

My shadow's the only one that walks beside me
My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating
Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me
'Til then I walk alone...

Physical: Here we have a more in depth description of how the speaker is alone and wishes to be found. On the road it's just him, his shadow, and shallow heart.
Intellectual: the interesting things are the shallow heart & the speaker sometimes wishing he'll be found. The Boulevard of Broken Dreams isn't a pleasent place. It's a point in the speakers life where he's been forced to reconsider things and what he decides from reconsidering may lead to some "broken dreams." He may decide to discontinue certain things. He must decide this stuff by himself. It's hard to do things by yourself, sohe wishes someone could find him, find that he's going through this time in his life where decidions need to be made. But until then he must do this on his own.

The speaker is on the road of life that everyone travels on. He's on a specific road at this point in his life, the specific road being the Boulevard of Broken Dreams. The speaker is on this specific road because he's reached a point in his life where he needs to reconsider things going on, his life, make some decisions. The decisions he makes may be life altering, he may decide to disconintinue going after certain dreams, hence, the Boulevard of Broken Dreams.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Life On the Reservation

Poor Indians, the entire land that is now the United States once was full of nature and home to Indians. Now we have taken their land and have set aside a minute amount of land for them. How minute? Indian Reservations only make up about 2.3% of the area of the United States. These reservations were created for the purpose of avoiding clashes between whites and Indian over land. Whites wanted Indians out of their way and out of their lives, so they forced the Indians to live on the Reservations. On the reservations, Indians were allowed to do as they pleased as long as they remained peaceful. However, when reservations were first being introduced, everything they did for the most part was predetermined by the Federal Government. They had to farm all day and do a very lot of laboring.

Over time, whites wanted the land that was reserved for Indians. As a result, Indian reservations were pushed to remote areas, land that was not wanted by whites. The remote land that they were put on was a lot of the times very poor. The land would be very dry, hot, infertile and just really crappy. We fast forward 100 years and because of these conditions, Indian Casinos have popped up everywhere since this is their only way to make profit of the land. So it’s a really fu. I mean, it’s a really messed up situation for the Indians. It’s really sad story that ends with Indians getting screwed :\

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Propaganda!! in the USA!!! Today!!!

information, ideas, or rumors deliberately spread widely to help or harm a person, group, movement, institution, nation, etc.

            So I did some research and I've decided to look at the propaganda aimed at recruiting people to the army. One thing's for sure; you don't see THESE: anymore. Rather, what's done today is very subtle in contrast to the poster. Nowadays, it's all about showing/giving some small info that'll grave one's attention, say a Go Army commercial, and the commercial says if they want to know more, go online and check it out.
            Commercials, that's it? This would lead me to think that today's propaganda that's meant to recruit people is very weak. That was until I did my research. THE US ARMY IS EVERYWHERE!!! not really lol but they definitely are putting a lot of money, time, and effort with their propaganda. These are my discoveries:
·       The US Army has their own video game designed to give users a small "virtual experience" ? of how it is to be in the army. This is definitely propaganda, and look how much effort's been put in it...for the past 9 YEARS!

 US army spends $32.8 million on propaganda videogame
·         The other more eye opening propaganda the US Army used was the "Army Experience". It's in a mall in Philadelphia first of all and one thing's for sure; it's every COD "no life's" heaven! It is a very high tech life simulating experience of really getting as close to real war without the danger.

Just look at this!:
The Humvee is stationary and the screens in front of them move. they also have simulations similar to this but in a helicopter rather than the Humvee.

If this isn't Propaganda today, then I don't know WHAT is!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Beat Streat!

Beat Street is just an awesome movie. It's a great movie about modern art; Graffiti, dance/break dancing, rapping, & DJing/mixing. It’s truly awesome. At the heart of the movie, is a group of friends who do all of the previously stated arts. I like how a lot of the movie is straight dancing & break dancing. Back then, all they did had heart. Ramo & Kenny did what they do with passion. Ramo told both Kenny & his father straight forward; he's not just tagging trains, walls, etc he tells them he's making art, beautiful art for the entire city to see. Kenny, being an amazing DJ, does what he does simply because he likes it. He hears thing he likes and puts them together for others to enjoy.

         Beat Street is just a fun movie! From the start, we got people dancing as it jumps from scene to scene. Another reason the movie is great, IT TAKES PLACE IN THE 80's!!! Today everybody try to emulate the style in the 80's one way or another. The music is definitely just as awesome today as it was then. Everybody just loves 80's music; something about it makes everybody want to dance! And when you combine that music with old school rapping, which is just awesome, you got yourself a recipe for awesomeness; not to mention you got the awesome dance moves.

         I also really like that throughout the movie, there's a general positive, fun, energetic vibe. Of course there was that sad point when Ramo died, but right after, Kenny brings everyone's spirits up by making a mix that is all about remembering Ramo, he made it so we weren't mourning for Ramo, we all appreciated him, and appreciated his work which is what Ramo would have wanted.

Kenny & Ramo, these guys were what made the movie awesome for me

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Hungry For Attention

Is Richard alone in his cravings for attention?

Why no, no he is not.

As long long as I'm here living and breathing, he is not alone for i too crave/need attention. I don't need it to survive but when i don't have it i wish i did. I find no problem with the fact i crave attention. if it's something that makes me happy, pleases me why can't i crave it? when people start to try to steal the limelight from other people or when THEY try to make themselves the center of attention ALL the time; that, i believe, is when people need to learn to control themselves or someone needs to set that person straight. Note the emphasis i put on "they". i made this apparent because there are people who need attention but may not even know it. how do they not know they attention you may ask, its because OTHER people make them (the ones unaware that they need attention) the center of attention ALL the time. These people are given attention all the time without them even trying, so it never occurs to them they NEED it if it has always been there. These people, i believe, are the ones in most need of attention because of the fact they are not even aware they need it. As for the ones who look for attention, there might be some deeper meaning why they always need attention; nonetheless these people may appear annoying to people. However, there are those who make themselves the center of attention all the time but they just have a talent for making others to give them attention.

Ultimately, everyone needs attention, some more than others; i myself cant go too long without attention, we need it to make ourselves feel relevant ?  or something along those lines

Monday, January 24, 2011

On Being a Mexican American

i find this artical very interesting.

it is about a boy born in the united states, who grew up "Mexican" was raised "Mexican" and all that stuff. He talks about his progression from being Mexican, to ultimately completely leaving his culture. He speaks of how he one day saw the segragation and from that point on, he began to merge into the american culture, "anglocized" as he put it. As he progressed further into his life, he became more and more emerged in american culture and further and further away from his Mexican heritage to the point where he no longer thought he was Mexican, or he forgot it.

then one day he was reminded of who he was; where he came from; his past

at this reminder, he realized something. he realizzed that no matter what you do, you can not erase your past; you cant erase where you came from, your roots. it's another example of what your background is generally defines what peole think you are. (like the hawthorne stuff/crucible/7 gables)

so he said that mexican americans are in a unique situation. they are all in the same catergory at some at one point, but later on they need to decide what path they're going to chose and then stay on that path and leave behind everything else.

however, he still says we can never integrate, because your background will always be there.

King still king?...EYE think so.

 Martin Luther King Jr.

Where would we be without this man? Without him, there is undoubtly a lot of change in today's society or at least, what soceity is now, wouldn't be until many years later, decades even. King layed down the first stone that would create a path that involves the first african-american president, kids of all races being educated equally in one school, and an entire month dedicated to rememboring those who faught for equal rights for african-americans. he faught for many things, and each battle was carried out peacefully. He had a dream. so right here, right now; is his dream ubiquatious (i used a vocab word in "everyday life"), is his legacy still here.

I like to think so. every now and then i take a step back and intently observe all thatg i can see. i think, what made this possible. i think of people who died in wars for us in order to be here without the worry of war, i think of marches and protests of mexicans, african-americans, all races who fought for what they believed to be right. which all beagn with King. If anyone wanted to start a movement of their own today, they can emulate (ANOTHER VOCAB WORD =D) what King did. Learn from him, & keep his legacy going.

Anytime any individual demonstrates they want something changed, whether it be via march, petition, rallies etc. they are silmultaneously caring in the legacy of King.

As long as equality remains present, and we demonstrate it by continuing to do what we do...
Martin Luther King, Jr will always be King.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A Singing America! They seem to be a little quiet as of late...

I must say, I really, really like this poem.
It's a shame, either i've gone deaf, or i dont hear America singing anymore really; if they are, it is barely audible over all the bombs and gunshots going off from all the war we got on our plate. I thought the "sound" of America was a string of crazy discordant loud noises (from the war) playing out. Turns out, if you turn down that war noise, you can begin to focus on other noises, i.e the singing of the few people who are trying to keep the tunes of America alive.

I Hear America Singing  is a poem by Walt Whitman written in 1860; a time when all jobs, were important jobs. The poem is bout the many different jobs of the American People going out into the world everyday to do some intense hard laboring. He speaks of how as all these people do their jobs, he can hear them singing accordingly to their job.
what does is all mean?

It's good old fashion America Pride.

Welcome to America 1860,
where we get things done!

Everyone at this time had a purpose with the work they do & anyone who was at work was more than proud of what they were doing. Because they were all driving America forward.

Not sure what the entire blog as a whole says, but my main point is in America during 1860, everyone was proud of their work, because they were all working with a purpose, to make America better.

Monday, January 17, 2011

y Aweso e (not so uch) usic Review [looks like i didnt have my Mcdonals breakfast!]

Ratatat is Where It's At!!!

So being the baseball fanatic that i am, i own several baseball games for the PS2; one of which being MLB The Show: 2007 Since i played the game everyday in the summer of '07 (back before the stress of high school!) i became more than familiar with the track. There was one particular song on there that i was happy to hear every time it played next on the games shuffled play-list. The song was called Loud Pipes. It was a very simple, 3:45min, slow-paced song. What i liked the most, was that that it was all instrumental, no vocals, with a very nice rhythm. So i look a little deeper in these guys, discovery their name is Ratatat (thanks to being able to see artists & albums of the song on the game!), and discovered that all the music is done by just TWO PEOPLE. YES, TWO PEOPLE, WERE CREATING ALL THE NOISES, INSTRUMENTS SOUND EFFECTS & WHAT NOT. These two amazing people are Mike Stroud & Evan Mast, two buddies who met at college.

  YOU GUYS MUST LISTEN TO THESE GUYS! its amazing what just the 2 of them do. Their incredible strictly instrumental music has been so great, they've gone on tour with bands like Daft Punk & The Killers and many, many more.

What i really like, since there music is all instrumental, the music can be interpreted in so many ways! so please! go out there and listen to their music! let me know if you do!!

My Top 5
Seventeen Years
Loud Pipes