Thursday, September 23, 2010

Sinners in the Hands of God...[VERY INTERESTING!!!]

“Sinners in the Hands of God…” topics like these could keep my friends & I, from my old school, debating about these & having great discussions for a large number of our lunch periods! Our mouths would go 100 miles a minute! This peculiar topic, I don’t think, was ever brought up. However, I already have a strong ‘belief’ about this (more of my opinion); I’m always opens to others’ too though! Anyway, time to get down to business. When it comes time for sinners to answer to God to the wrong they’ve done, I feel it is not at all how described in the passage/story we read in class the other day. The main part to my opinion is this; Nobody goes to Hell; NOBODY. On that sentence I’m certain anyone reading this has had a thought pop into their head ranging from something as simple as “he, that’s weird” to “ARE YOU BLEEPING STUPID??” This is my opinion remember, so now listen to why I think this. I strongly believe this because God is too merciful. God is said to be all forgiving (I have heard this at least 1008 times when doing something that involves the Bible/Church); he is an all forgiving Being & because of this, I do not see how God could bestow a person with the punishment of eternity in Hell; remember, we’re talking ETERNITY. Think, because of you wrong doings on Earth, you are dealt to spend forever (really grasp your mind around the terms eternity & forever, it doesn’t end!!!) in a place of unimaginable horror. I know the Bible says strongly to avoid sin so you can avoid going to Hell, but (imagine this being said in a condescending, explanatory manner) it also talks of the all forgiving God!!! Therefore (being the technical person I am & how I take/look at things in a logical manner) nobody goes to Hell! So this always begs the (in reference to the extremely bad sinner i.e. Hitler, serial killers, etc. ) question and creates responses such as; “then where do they go?” ; ”So they get a free ticket to heaven?”; “They DO go to Hell, they had their chance on Earth, they made their choice!” and much, much more. My response: They go to one of 3 places I’ll refer to the first 2 as “Time-Out level 1” & “Time-Out level 2” & of course Heaven. So since no one goes to Hell, when “Sinners are in the hands of God” (which really means us [because we’re all sinners]), God decides to either put you in TO 1 or 2. TO1 is for those like you & me we sin & have plenty of things that need to be fixed. TO2 is for the people you’d thing have earned themselves a one-way ticket to Hell. On a side note, I also feel very, very few people go straight to heaven. Why; because we’re all sinners. Therefore I think sinners in the hands of God are put into one of these “TO’s” to think about what they’ve done & not just like you have to do this for a set amount of time; you will be in this place (some would call it purgatory?) in solitude & at times with others (like an AA group) to repent, you would then move to Heaven when your soul is truly pure. And when I say pure I mean pure, there is no ignorance, no racism, no thoughts of it, sex, pleasures, games, blah, blah, everything we like as morals, is not in Heaven. None of its needed! We’ll be in a place so pure & filled with love we need basically nothing. It’s like this because we all repent in TO, & not until sinners (we) have we repented, God will allow us the sanction of heaven. Eventually, the people from TO2 could get to heaven, it may take a very, very long time (century or 2 haha) but that’s the purpose of these TO’s. So by the time you see someone like say…Hitler in Heaven, you won’t think nothing of it; He’s just as pure as you (it just took him longer to get there XD). Ultimately, sinners in the Hands of God are given the chance to go to Heaven. One more thing, my second thought is everything I previously stated is to be the same, except the people God truly feels deserve to go to Hell DO go to Hell, they then move to TO2 when they are ready to begin to repent [which God will obviously know when they’re ready] (which may not be long considering how bad Hell is…it is Hell ya know). Why do I say they go to Hell now? Like I said, I am opened minded! Please leave your comments! I want to hear your thoughts!


  1. Wow I've never though of it that way. "how God could bestow a person with the punishment of eternity in Hell; remember, we’re talking ETERNITY. Think, because of you wrong doings on Earth, you are dealt to spend forever (really grasp your mind around the terms eternity & forever, it doesn’t end!!!) in a place of unimaginable horror". It makes alot of sense. Heres another idea. humans are made in Gods image but humans themselves have flaws. So should they truly be punished for their flaws?

  2. Wow I disagree with the statement "nobody goes to hell" I'm sure that some people go to hell like Hitler, what kind of heaven would it be if hitler was there?
