Thursday, October 7, 2010

John Proctor; hero or not?

Normally, with a question like this, i believe people would describe the person then tell you what their answer is based on their previously stated words;i would like to start by saying that John Proctor is a Hero & deserves this recognition from anybody who reads "The Crucible". He did all he could to save his wife, prove her innocence & save his friends of the town of Salem from execution by ruling of witchery. He could have taken the deal for his wife to be spared since she was pregnant but wanted to save everybody because the reasons for all these accusations was a load of BS. Vengeance, was the motive for all the witchcraft accusations, which lead others to do the same out of greed & jealousy.

John Proctor was trying to set things right, and in doing so, it cost him his life. John Proctor was a hero for trying to fix Salem, even throwing out his name saying a had an affair with Abby, to save lives from death from a stupid reasons. And by not taking the deal to keep his life rather than falsely admit to working with the devil, he shows the town that all the accusations really WAS a load of BS


  1. It pretty obvious now that the accusations were like you said just BS. But think of some of claims in today's society, many of them we also believe to be true, but years from now future generations will wonder, "what were they thinking?" It's hard to recognize BS when it's right in front of you at times.

  2. Haley's comment above is really true. As we see in the Crucible, all of the accusations were a bunch of BS, things that happen today in society people years from now will be saying, "What were they doing? Can't they see that that isn't right or fair? ect..."
