Monday, November 29, 2010

And the "Thankful For "award goes too...

Ummm My Asian Duo! lol that would be Amy Tu & Cindy Mei! They may hate/dislike me for whatever reasons, but i like to consider them my friends =) they've helped me out a lot this year already (thank you Cindy =D) and we've had some interesting conversations too (haha Amy). Not only this year in this classroom, but last year & outside of the classroom we've helped each other out; whether the response was a NO! w/no explanation, they still gave me their feedback which in turn helped me out. I honestly am not sure whether they think of me the same as i think of them, but i think they can at least call me a friend if not at the minimum an acquaintance. Acquaintance or friend, they can still count on the benefit of me considering them as a friend; and that benefit would be, which applies to all the people I consider my friend, is that matter what, i will be there if you need me. I’ am a person you can always count on. I feel I’m too nice sometimes. Like I got my friends who don’t deserve this benefit but they’re still my friend & I will risk life & limb for them because I care for them nonetheless, same goes for yous =); I got your back, if you ever need help for anything i'll vest all the power in me to help you out =)...most of the time at least and if my schedule allows it =) haha
I consider all my friends my family, regardless of what THEY may consider me. So believe it or not I’m Thankful for yous; my Asian Duo of [Mei]hem xD haha
So Cindy Mei, Amy Tu, if you ever need me; i'll be there! (just look over your shoulders, honey! xD [Michael Jackson haha])
-your friend,
Carlos =)

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